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GENIE ICO ADDS CRYPTOCURRENCY HEAVYWEIGHT DAVID BRAKE AND OTHER EXPERTS TO IT ADVISORY BOARD – SINGAPORE  –  25 January 2018  –  Crowd Genie Financial Services Pte Ltd (“Crowd Genie”), an operator of a Peer-to-Peer (“P2P”) lending platform licensed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (“MAS”), looking to build an Asia-wide exchange of financial assets through its related entity CGSPV Pte. Ltd., today announced the appointment of a new board of advisors ahead of its Initial Coin Offering (“ICO”) public sale on 1 February 2018.

Joining the Crowd Genie advisory board is David Drake, Founder and Chairman of LDJ Capital, who is also a global pioneer in the cryptocurrency industry and has written for more than 100 publications on innovative investing. Also joining the board is serial entrepreneur Petter Sehlin, who is a Founding Partner of global angel fund True Global Ventures and founder of the Polarchain blockchain. The founders of one of the world’s most comprehensive online cryptocurrency databases and information resources, AllCoinWiki, Anders Larsson and Joakim Holmer have also joined the board.

Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Crowd Genie, Mr Akshay Mehra said:

 As Crowd Genie’s ICO moves towards the launch of its public sale, we have seen strong interest from investors in Crowd Genie’s coins, which is a testament to the unique strengths of Crowd Genie, having a strong operational track record and growth vision. The addition of such an esteemed panel of advisors including cryptocurrency heavyweights like David Drake and Petter Sehlin, as well as experts like the team behind AllCoinWiki, is a significant endorsement to the Crowd Genie business as well as the investment merits of Crowd Genie’s coins. I am confident that the credibility, expertise and network they lend to Crowd Genie will make the ICO a success.”

 Mr David Drake said:

Over the years, I have witnessed the growth of the cryptocurrency industry and assessed numerous company profiles through their ICOs. Crowd Genie’s ICO has the competitive advantage of addressing a significantly huge market in P2P lending in Asia and having a positive operational track record of close to 20 months.  This sets it apart from many ICOs and I am confident my partnership with Crowd Genie will be a fruitful and rewarding one.”

Crowd Genie is offering 60 million Crowd Genie Coins (“CGCOIN”) for sale under its ICO. Aiming for a soft cap of of US$5 million, the public sale is from 1 February to 28 February. Pre-sale of CGCOINs has already started in late November 2017. Upon completion, the CGCOIN will be listed on several coin exchanges. Purchases made during the Pre-sale period are entitled to a 50% bonus.

Founded by Akshay Mehra, an experienced consultant in new growth advisory, seed investing and start-ups for over 17 years, and Bikash Saha, former Chief Operating Officer of Standard Chartered Capital Korea, Crowd Genie is a licensed and fully operational P2P lending platform that is focussed on giving Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (“SMEs”) access to loans from individuals and companies instead of financial institutions, which require longer approval processes. It was granted a “Dealing in Securities” license by the MAS in March 2017 and is one of a limited number of P2P lenders in Singapore with this license. The platform has been operational for approximately 20 months. Crowd Genie has a track record of full repayments with no defaults since inception.

Press Release

GENIE ICO MENGANGKAT AHLI CRYPTOCURRENCY TERKEMUKA DAVID BRAKE DAN PARA AHLI LAINNYA SEBAGAI DEWAN PENASIHAT – PERTUMBUHAN KRIPTO DI SINGAPURA – SINGAPURA – 25 Januari 2018 – Crowd Genie Financial Services Pte Ltd (“Crowd Genie”), operator platform pinjaman Peer-to-Peer (“P2P”) yang diberi lisensi oleh Otoritas Moneter Singapura (“MAS”), dengan membangun pertukaran aset Asia-wide melalui entitas terkait CGSPV Pte. Ltd., hari ini mengumumkan pengangkatan dewan penasehat baru menjelang penawaran umum perdana saham Initial Coin Offering (“ICO”) pada tanggal 1 Februari 2018.

Bergabung dengan dewan penasihat Crowd Genie adalah David Drake, Pendiri dan Ketua LDJ Capital, yang juga merupakan pelopor global dalam industri cryptocurrency dan telah menulis lebih dari 100 publikasi tentang investasi inovatif. Juga bergabung dengan dewan adalah pengusaha Petter Sehlin, yang merupakan Mitra Pendiri angel investor global True Global Ventures dan pendiri Blockchain Polarchain. Pendiri salah satu database dan sumber informasi kriptografi topografi online paling komprehensif di dunia, AllCoinWiki, Anders Larsson dan Joakim Holmer juga bergabung dengan dewan tersebut.

Pendiri dan Chief Executive Officer Crowd Genie, Akshay Mehra mengatakan:

Sebagai ICO Crowd Genie bergerak menuju peluncuran penjualan publiknya, kami telah melihat minat yang kuat dari para investor di koin Crowd Genie, yang merupakan bukti kekuatan unik Crowd. Genie, memiliki track record operasional yang kuat dan visi pertumbuhan. Penambahan panel penasehat terhormat seperti kelas cryptocurrency seperti David Drake dan Petter Sehlin, serta para ahli seperti tim di belakang AllCoinWiki, merupakan dukungan signifikan terhadap bisnis Crowd Genie serta kelebihan investasi koin Crowd Genie. Saya yakin bahwa kredibilitas, keahlian dan jaringan yang mereka berikan kepada Crowd Genie akan membuat ICO sukses. “

David Drake mengatakan:

Selama bertahun-tahun, saya telah menyaksikan pertumbuhan industri  cryptocurrency dan menilai banyak profil perusahaan melalui ICO mereka. ICO Crowd Genie memiliki keunggulan kompetitif dalam menangani pasar yang sangat besar secara signifikan dalam pemberian pinjaman P2P di Asia dan memiliki track record operasional positif hampir 20 bulan. Ini membedakannya dari banyak ICO dan saya yakin bahwa kemitraan saya dengan Crowd Genie akan sangat bermanfaat. “

Crowd Genie menawarkan 60 juta Crowd Genie Coins (“CGCOIN”) untuk dijual di bawah ICO-nya. Dengan target sebesar US $ 5 juta, penjualan umum mulai 1 Februari sampai 28 Februari. Pra-penjualan CGCOIN sudah dimulai pada akhir November 2017. Setelah selesai, CGCOIN akan terdaftar di beberapa bursa koin. Pembelian yang dilakukan selama masa Pra-penjualan berhak atas bonus 50%.

Didirikan oleh Akshay Mehra, seorang konsultan berpengalaman dalam penasehat pertumbuhan investasi dan start up selama lebih dari 17 tahun, dan Bikash Saha, mantan Chief Operating Officer Standard Chartered Capital Korea. Crowd Genie adalah platform pinjaman P2P yang berlisensi dan beroperasi penuh, difokuskan pada pemberian Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (“UKM”) akses terhadap pinjaman dari perorangan dan perusahaan, bukan lembaga keuangan, yang memerlukan proses persetujuan yang lebih lama. Diberikan lisensi “Dealing in Securities” oleh MAS pada bulan Maret 2017, dan merupakan salah satu dari sejumlah terbatas kreditur P2P di Singapura dengan lisensi ini. Platform ini telah beroperasi selama kurang lebih 20 bulan. Crowd Genie memiliki rekam jejak pembayaran penuh tanpa default sejak awal.

Press Release – Sintha Rosse

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