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Increase awareness of your product with news releases in leading national media using our cheapest media press release services. Enjoy the benefits of SEO friendly articles for your public relations strategy needs

Press Release

Why are Publications Important?

Through the media, information can be spread widely and quickly, reaching various levels of society

Publication to the media is a crucial element in supporting the visibility, recognition and influence of information, ideas or entities in society. Publications also play a vital role in building image and reputation, for individuals, organizations and projects. By becoming part of the public sphere through the media, these entities have the opportunity to influence opinion, build credibility and expand the reach of their impact.

Purpose of Media Publication

Press Release

Repution Boost

Press Release


Press Release

Improving SEO

Press Release

Strengthening Customer Relations

Press Release

Capturing Public Attention

Press Release

Suporting Marketing Strategies


Oscar Darmawan Ceo Indodax

Oscar Darmawan

CEO Indodax

Duniafintech.com is our partner in publishing press releases. They have many media networks throughout Indonesia and even foreign media.

Efrinal Sinaga

Efrinal Sinaga

President Direktur Akulaku

Duniafintech.com has always been a good partner to help us carry out publications such as press releases

Press Release

All Indonesian media coverages with more than 100 media

Press Release


Kompas.com, Tribunnews.com, Kumparan.com, Detik.com and more And hundreds Tier 2 and Tier 3 media in every provinces in Indonesia.
All international media with more than 20 media : Including : Bloomberg, Reuters, Yahoonews and more

Your Benefit

Press Release

Writing news or press releases is not an easy thing. Media in Indonesia and other countries apply writing standards that comply with journalistic principles.

However, we can help you create a good press release by determining a theme and writing it word for word in accordance with media standards in Indonesia and other countries.

Press Release

We collaborate with hundreds of media in Indonesia and dozens of media in other countries. It is easy for us to distribute press releases to specific media and large media. So you don't need to bother contacting every media.

Press Release

Reports are very important. You will see how effective press releases are on your company ' s image. We can also help you to find out how well your company is doing digitally with media monitoring. With the advanced tools we have, you will get comprehensive data and reports

Our Team
Dunia Fintech Indonesia

Gemal A.N Panggabean​

Gemal A.N Panggabean

CEO Dunia Fintech Indonesia

Visionary and experienced leader in the world of journalism, responsible for leading the editorial team to create high-quality content that is relevant and informative.

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