30.3 C
Minggu, 23 Februari, 2025


duniafintech.com – After a yearlong stretch characterized by lower tax, less regulation, a pro-growth environment, with higher rates and inflation under the Trump administration, the economic engines have revved up once again. However, the real estate markets are continuously brimming with new competitors, from new domestic players to international investors funneling capital into US real estate, driving prices to an all-time high.

The focus on the full range US real estate across asset classes has become exceedingly important. So how will this all play out, what does it mean for private equity real estate, and most importantly, how should you position yourself for profitability in the year ahead? These are just some of the key questions that will be addressed at iGlobal Forum’s flagship event, 18th Real Estate Private Equity Summit East (March 27-28, New York). This longstanding event has been the key platform for industry thought leaders, top international asset managers, and global investors to converge to discuss deal-sourcing opportunities and top-level approaches for returns across sectors. On March 27 & 28, join over 200+ top level senior executives in all aspects of real estate private equity looking to build new partnerships, drive returns and find new, affordable investing opportunities in a shifting space.

duniafintech.com – Di bawah administrasi Trump, tingkat suku bunga dan inflasi lebih tinggi. Namun, pasar real estat semakin punya pesaing baru, mulai dari pemain domestik baru hingga investor internasional yang menyalurkan modal ke real estat AS, yang mendorong harga ke level tertinggi sepanjang masa.

Fokus pada keseluruhan wilayah real estat AS menjadi sangat penting. Bagaimana Anda harus memposisikan diri untuk profitabilitas di tahun depan? Ini hanyalah satu pertanyaan kunci yang akan dibahas di acara andalan Forum iGlobal, Real Estate Equity Summit 18 East (27-28 Maret, New York).

Kegiatan ini menjadi platform utama bagi para pemimpin industri, manajer aset internasional terkemuka, dan investor global untuk berkumpul guna membahas peluang sourcing dan pendekatan tingkat atas untuk pengembalian lintas sektor. Pada tanggal 27 & 28 Maret, bergabunglah dengan lebih dari 200 + eksekutif senior tingkat atas di semua aspek ekuitas swasta real estat yang ingin membangun kemitraan baru, mendorong pengembalian dan menemukan peluang investasi baru yang terjangkau di pergerakan era.

Liz Walker & Sintha Rosse



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